Monday, March 21, 2005

Lucky Fairie

The strangest thing happened at the craft festival. I was looking at an exhibit of fairie pictures and saw one with four-leaf clovers. I discussed with the artist that I had once read that four-leaf clovers were protection from fairies, so I found that interesting. I decided to give her a four-leaf clover and she was so happy. She said that she had been searching around places for four-leaf clovers and was not able to find one. She was looking for one to put in the frame of the original piece. Anyway, I walked around to look at some more crafts and was deciding what I wanted to get. There was a photographer that had some interesting shots of Ireland in a frame with hooks. It was pretty neat, but something more for a house than an apartment, so I decided to get the fairie picture. I went over the the woman's booth and she was still quite happy and said that she was telling everyone, cause it was so magical to her. I told her that I wanted to buy her print and she told me to put my money away and decided to give me the print for free. I can't believe that. It was so sweet. I shouldn't say that was the strangest thing, cause weird stuff like that happens to me all the time. But it was very nice. :) The "Lucky" picture is not up yet, but her website is Check it out.

Tuesday, March 08, 2005

Time keeps slipping....

It was quite a busy day today and then talking for an hour afterwork at Drexel made the day feel even longer, yet still inspiring. Once I got home I updated my blogs and the "I am a Librarian!" website. Then I was ready to relax. Just chilling and talking on the phone was the best. It was great catching up with Missy and it just showed me that time passes so quickly. It was a pure example of when 2 hours feels like 2 minutes. I love being able to catch up with people in that manner. Time passed from when last we saw each other and the stories just poured out. It was fabulous how it all connected so well.

Wednesday, March 02, 2005

In Dublin, OH & A mourning in Philadelphia

The OCLC Services meeting was informative and somewhat overwhelming, but in a good way. Tomorrow another meeting then I will be flying back to PA, yeah!

Michael Porter, from OCLC Western, took this picture of me today:

Check out his blog:


The mourning of the loss of Well Fed Artists will be on March 4, 2005. Please come out and support for the gallery's last First Friday. It is definitely sad to see such a great gallery go. I meet so many cool people by showing my work there. I wish all the artists the best and hope that they will all continue to find places to show the world their work.

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