Lucky Fairie
The strangest thing happened at the craft festival. I was looking at an exhibit of fairie pictures and saw one with four-leaf clovers. I discussed with the artist that I had once read that four-leaf clovers were protection from fairies, so I found that interesting. I decided to give her a four-leaf clover and she was so happy. She said that she had been searching around places for four-leaf clovers and was not able to find one. She was looking for one to put in the frame of the original piece. Anyway, I walked around to look at some more crafts and was deciding what I wanted to get. There was a photographer that had some interesting shots of Ireland in a frame with hooks. It was pretty neat, but something more for a house than an apartment, so I decided to get the fairie picture. I went over the the woman's booth and she was still quite happy and said that she was telling everyone, cause it was so magical to her. I told her that I wanted to buy her print and she told me to put my money away and decided to give me the print for free. I can't believe that. It was so sweet. I shouldn't say that was the strangest thing, cause weird stuff like that happens to me all the time. But it was very nice. :) The "Lucky" picture is not up yet, but her website is Check it out.